What is Fine Jewelry? | PriceScope
Fine jewelry versus costume jewelry is ɑ debate that frequently comes up amongst jewelry lovers. When one speaks of fine jewelry, we often refer to jewelry that is made up of precious metals (specifically gold and platinum), semi-precious stones (for example, amethyst and aquamarine), and precious stones (for example, diamonds and sapphires). Whereas, costume jewelry uses less expensive or simulated stones, as well as plated metals. There are some misconceptions about fine jewelry which we will address. This blog post focuses on everything you need to know about fine jewelry and get ɑ glimpse at our range of fine jewelry from PriceScope’ѕ esteemed jewelry search.What is Fine Jewelry?Some consumers have this misconception that fine jewelry is only made of platinum or gold made from 18 karats and above. Whilst others believe that fine jewelry is made of jewelry 14 karat gold and above. Most consumers believe that jewelry made of 10 karat gold to be costume jewelry. Consumers also have this misconception that jewelry made of silver is costume jewelry but recently due to the price increase of silver, silver jewelry can, too, be considered fine jewelry. So fine jewelry today is considered jewelry made of silver, gold and platinum.When one compares fine jewelry and costume jewelry side by side, there’ѕ no question which one is the better choice. Fine jewelry is created to last for ɑ lifetime and can even be passed down for generations. This is known as heirloom jewelry. When fine jewelry breaks, it can usually be repaired. Furthermore, fine jewelry retains value in the future. So, you may want to consider purchasing fine jewelry as investment pieces.
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